Category: Medical

Perrin Cacncer 11.03.2014 Brazos Bend SP

I’m up here at M.D. Anderson for my last day of chemotherapy. Tonight concludes round 3 of 6. He have been lucky to have our family take care of the children for rounds 1 & 2. This time we have them in Houston with us.  Things are different, but I think its better to have them here.

Today we spent time hiking Brazos Bend State Park.

brazos bend state park old treeWe met a retired school teacher at the visitor center and we all got to pet a baby alligator. She was so sweet and asked if I could be added to her prayer list. You bet you lady. She was also nice enough to snap a family photo next to the oldest tree in the park. Prayers back to you sweet lady with the snakes and baby alligators.

We hiked for about 4+ miles and saw one alligator out in the wild. I love it that Kendra loves nature so much and wants to be in it as often as she can. Tomorrow we look to hike in the Big Thicket north of Houston. Wednesday I’m back at MD Anderson for a nulesta shot and then off to Corpus Christi.

Each brake is a bit worse than the previous. Keep in mind I’m accumulating chemotherapy each round. As my doctor put it I will be hit down to 90% the first time and then 90% of 90% the next. So each time my bounce back takes longer. This will be compounded by the upping of dose for round 4. Lets just say I’m probably not going to be taking long walks on the beach or hiking in the woods come round 6. We will see how far my will can go. Somewhere down the road I’m told I will need blood transfusions and other blood products. Yea, blood products… sounds fun right?

Well my battery is about to run out before my Cyclophosphamide does. The nurse acted like I get a bigger dose than the average Joe. Oh well, have a great night!

Derrick Perrin

That Peal Kid, Again

So from about 3rd grade on I have had a friend I just can’t get rid of. His name is Andy and he is here to stay. Today my family had the opportunity to meet up with him and his lovely wife Jill. Yea, Jill Peal, that is her name for the rest of her life. She must really like the guy to sign up for that.
I’m going out on a limb here and want to personally thank her for each and everyone of Andy’s friends. We are so thankful you took over and you are now his keeper.

Jill, God has a special place for you upstairs. Her profession is a 4th grade school teacher so she is fully capable of handling Andy on his level. All kidding aside Andy is family and he has been part of my local Houston support crew. He has been here for me, my wife, and my parents as I sit and take chemotherapy, or get scans done.

dp andy and jill peal
From left to right: Derrick Perrin, Andy Peal, Jill Peal

Lunch today was great and Benjamin and Grason both received birthday gifts. They were super pumped up.

dp andy peal copy

When sitting and waiting for chemotherapy one day Andy shared with us that he had been having a lot of head aches and was getting them checked out. Back in high-school Mr. Peal had some seizure issues but never had a true answer to his problem. During one scan the doctors found a tumor but were not concerned. Fast forward to 2014, after a scan or two his doctors showed him a picture into his head. Here, take a look:
peal head
So we all have proof of what we already knew, Andy does have a thick skull. But you can also see the 2 tumors. The bigger one is the cause of all the headaches. So he is setup for surgery with a world know surgeon. This would be the same that operated on Gabby Gifford.

So all poking aside Andy and his family need prayers. We will be praying for health and strength and for the skill of the doctors and nurses that will be in-charge of taking care of the tumor. So if you are inclined to put me on your prayer list pleas include my old friend Andy. Oh yea and say an extra one for Jill who is his master care taker.

Take care,

Derrick Perrin

I’m Not Superman

So as Halloween was happening all around I was setting up for my next bag of chemotherapy. Along with getting chemo I get additional drugs that help my body handle the chemotherapy. This includes Prednisone, antibiotics, and every 8 hours one pill for anti-nausea. The hospital likes to put some Zofran in my IV. I think it takes long and I just pop my pill and save myself 30 minutes a day. Take that 30 minutes over 4 days and I have saved myself 2 hours of sitting in a hospital. This sounds good unless you miss your med by 2 hours.

After the Halloween festivities the family all met up at the book store. I was not feeling well and made a deposit in the toilet. I tried to get another med in and had the same results as the previous. At this point I should have taken my pill on time and continued to feel like superman. It wasn’t till I started breaking the dosing in half then it started working for me.

Today has been a good day. I just got hooked up with me 2nd to last bag and I’m good to go to dinner with my extra family who mad it to Houston today. It was go good to have visitors and to sit down and eat with great company.

This will be a great treat.


Phone time cancer fun

As a small business owner I get a lot of calls from people offering me things. Today I got a call from a call center wanting to talk to me about my current health care provider. They were offering to beat any price Out there. Its fun to tell them “sure lets talk” and then follow up with “I’m in active treatment at MD Anderson.” They quickly back track and want to know if anyone I know might need their services. Ha Ha better luck next time sucker.

Now if I could only get the local blood bank to stop calling. I’ve told them 3 times I don’t think they want my blood but they keep calling.

So if you want to stop folks in their tracks just toss out the cancer word and that will change things quick.


Hope you have a great one -Derrick

Derrick and Diet

Each time you eat something you might want to ask yourself is this going to help or hurt me. That is pretty much what it boils down to. The things you eat will only do those two things. So in a quest to be as health as possible I had a allergy test ran on my blood. This gave me a baseline to start my cancer diet on.

So this video is just a little update on how and what I’m doing this week. I feel really good and back to my high health diet. The chemotherapy effects have warn off and I’m headding back into the edit bay to make some clients happy.


I got my back


I’m disappointed in my medical care. I’m prescribed a protocol of chemotherapy that is engineered to kick my cancer to the curb. It is called EPOCH-R and is comprised of a drug for each letter of the acronym.

Friday – On my first 24 hour setup it dawned on me I was not given the P med. That is Prednisone for the pharmacy folks. I had to call in and get it. I take it each day. It is a steroid and assist helping the chemo kick ass. Without the P this would be useless.

Monday – I’m back at the center to hand in my back pack and have my last round of anti nausea meds ran with my one  hour of Cyclophosphamide. That is the mustard gas derivative that makes me sterile.


So today the nurse didn’t know that I was set to receive a bag of fun cycloprmo-jo-jo-pharmacide.

This marks the 2nd time during this chemotherapy run that I had to give a  reminder in order for me to stick to the protocol.  I expect better from the number 1. And for the price I should get the world.

So enough with me covering my own ass over here. Kendra and I had one heck of a day.

We went to the Herman Park and ended up in the zoo. Sure Kendra was there last week but this time I was her only responsibility. I know I had a great time and Kendra is happy she made friends with a giraffe and he came over to be pet. I will post up zoo photos later.


Today we played around taking photos with the “new to me” lens we bought this week. It was well worth the 40 bucks. It is a super zoom lens when attached to my NEX7 Sony camera.

Well enough nerd talk right now. Zoo photos will be up on Facebook later tonight. We will have some clinic time on Tuesday and then off to Corpus Christi.

Take care of yourself

Watch “Daily update from MDA. 10.11.14” on YouTube

Daily update from MDA. 10.11.14:

Click the link above for the latest video update by derrick. .

D_Perrin - Cancer

Hair today, gone tomorrow

So this passed week the hair on the top of my head started to fall out. You might have seen the post and the video where I shaved it off before it fell out in patches. This week will be when I go from some hair to no hair. My eyebrows are now starting to fall like the autumn leaves.

Derrick Perrin eyes wide open

Derrick Perrin with open eyes

My hair loss was really strange. I knew from the time I talked with my oncologist that I would be hit with some really strong chemotherapy. Due to my age they put me on high octane chemo. EPOCH+R or R-EPOCH is my chemotherapy of choice. Last week I felt some tingling associated with my hair follicles. Three days after the tingle I was out in my garage shaving them off. Three days ago I felt the same thing with my eyebrows and today with a mild pull and no pain I can get the hair to come right out.
MD Anderson has classes on how to paint on eyebrows and choosing the right wig. I think I might go to the “Groucho Marx” school of makeup.

I’m guessing spreading some super glue to my last few hairs wont make them say and look good? I really feel for the women I see around who are bald. They work so hard a beauty and advertising would make you think flowing hair is your key to Saint Peter’s gates, but its not. It is temporary and if this shit doesn’t kill you it will make you stronger.

I can’t wait till all my other hair falls out and I will go to Halloween as an Olympic swimmer.

Well that is it for now. If you want to find me just follow the track of hairs left behind.


My new back pack

So this is day 3 of my 2nd round of chemotherapy. This is different from my first round of chemo. Since I was such a good patient on the first round I’m able to take my chemo out of the hospital. I have a backpack that gets refilled once a day. Take a look.

Each night we drop my MD Anderson and pickup my next 24 hours of chemotherapy. They check me out and send me on my way. So I’m locked into wearing this backpack that sounds like a automatic soap dispenser. I’m still not use to having it connected to my piccl line so I often stand up and start to walk away from it and it follows me.

I get rid of the pack late Monday night. I looks like It will run till 11:30 and then I have another bag of chemo that last an hour.  By the time I get use to totting this bag around it will be gone. This is how my following rounds will be administered.

Love – Derrick

Video update – Md Anderson update 10.09.2014
